Carrying her through the waterfall

Posted in Oldman Equine Femdom on December 16th, 2011 by admin

Carrying her through the waterfall

The blonde Mistress has her slave carry her through the water to enjoy the freshest of water for her divine bath

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The Mistress to enjoy, the slave to suffer

Posted in Other World Kingdom on September 1st, 2010 by admin

The Mistress to enjoy, the slave to suffer

Its a hot sunny day and the elegant Lady in the Other World kingdom is taking a tour round the countryside in a sheltered transport served by her suffering slave


Madame Loreen slaps on her transport slave

Posted in Other World Kingdom on July 19th, 2010 by admin

Madame Loreen forces her slave to drink up the mop juice

Madame Loreen is forcing her slave down to drink up the dirty water as a result of mopping the dirty floor caused by the laziness of her domestic slave

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Carrying the blonde Mistress across the sea

Posted in Oldman Equine Femdom on May 5th, 2010 by admin

Carrying the blonde Mistress across the sea

The blonde Mistress is riding on her sea transport slave across the sea as she enjoys the warm sun behind her back while guiding her slave across

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Pampering human transport for Mistress Lucy

Posted in Other World Kingdom on April 16th, 2010 by admin

Horse mount for his riding Mistress

Mistress Lucy is pampered at the Other World Kingdom as she gets carried around for a tour around the kingdom on a open sedan chair carried by 4 of her slaves while she sits back and enjoys like a Queen


Human transport for Mistress Ariel

Posted in Club Stiletto on April 13th, 2010 by admin

Human transport for Mistress Ariel

Mistress Ariel is having fun at the countryside with her human transport pulling on her carriage as she whips him along the way to make sure he doesn’t stop


No sympathy abuse on her human animal

Posted in Oldman Equine Femdom on April 6th, 2010 by admin

No sympathy abuse on her human animal

The blonde riding Goddess is training her human animal into a wheeled carriage and shows no sympathy whipping onto on his flesh to get things right

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Human transportation at the Other World Kingdom

Posted in Other World Kingdom on April 5th, 2010 by admin

Human transportation at the Other World Kingdom

Ladies of the OWK are never subjected to the searing heat of the hot sun, moving from one place to another is often comfortably transported by the slaves in duty


Human transport to service the pampered Ladies at OWK

Posted in Other World Kingdom on March 5th, 2010 by admin

Human transport to service the pampered Ladies at OWK

Its a hot sunny day and the pampered Ladies of the OWK will need to travel around the kingdom to deal with some administrative matters, but you can’t possibly expect them to be walking under the sun do you? She prefers to be carried by her human carriage with a nice shelter above her of course
